2009-01-13 23:12:01 UTC
I am creating an XML document in MSXML5 and attempting to validate it after
I've completed it. Validating the document fails with an error code of
-1072897500 and the message "The node is neither valid nor invalid because no
DTD/Schema declaration was found." Oddly, if I save the XML document and
read it back in again, it validates. Some sample code that produces this
behavior is below, along with the xsd file. Can someone help resolve this
' Initialize the XML instance document and the schema cache. Add the
schema to the
' cache and assign it to the instance document.
Dim xmlDocument As MSXML2.DOMDocument50
Set xmlDocument = New MSXML2.DOMDocument50
xmlDocument.async = False
xmlDocument.validateOnParse = True
xmlDocument.resolveExternals = True
xmlDocument.preserveWhiteSpace = True
Dim xmlSchemaCache As MSXML2.XMLSchemaCache50
Set xmlSchemaCache = New MSXML2.XMLSchemaCache50
xmlSchemaCache.Add "", "C:\Userdata\book.xsd"
Set xmlDocument.Schemas = xmlSchemaCache
' Add the processing instruction.
Dim xmlProc As IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction
Set xmlProc = xmlDocument.createProcessingInstruction("xml",
"version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'")
xmlDocument.appendChild xmlProc
Set xmlProc = Nothing
' Create the collection root element with the namespace and schema
attributes, and add it to the document.
Dim elmCollection As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
Set elmCollection = xmlDocument.createNode(NODE_ELEMENT, "b:Collection",
Dim atrNSNode As IXMLDOMAttribute
Set atrNSNode = xmlDocument.createNode(NODE_ATTRIBUTE, "xmlns:xsi",
atrNSNode.Value = ""
elmCollection.setAttributeNode atrNSNode
Set atrNSNode = xmlDocument.createNode(NODE_ATTRIBUTE,
"xsi:schemaLocation", "")
atrNSNode.Value = " C:\Userdata\book.xsd"
elmCollection.setAttributeNode atrNSNode
Set atrNSNode = Nothing
xmlDocument.appendChild elmCollection
' Create the Book element and its children, and add it to the document.
Dim elmBook As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
Set elmBook = xmlDocument.createElement("b:Book")
elmCollection.appendChild elmBook
Dim elmTitle As IXMLDOMElement
Dim elmAuthor As IXMLDOMElement
Dim elmPublisher As IXMLDOMElement
Set elmTitle = xmlDocument.createElement("b:Title")
Set elmAuthor = xmlDocument.createElement("b:Author")
Set elmPublisher = xmlDocument.createElement("b:Publisher")
elmTitle.Text = "Lover Birds"
elmAuthor.Text = "Cynthia Randall"
elmPublisher.Text = "Lucerne Publishing"
elmBook.appendChild elmTitle
elmBook.appendChild elmAuthor
elmBook.appendChild elmPublisher
Set elmTitle = Nothing
Set elmAuthor = Nothing
Set elmPublisher = Nothing
Set elmBook = Nothing
' Validate the document, write it to a file, then read it back in and
validate again.
Dim xmlParseError As MSXML2.IXMLDOMParseError
Set xmlParseError = xmlDocument.validate ' <== Does not
MsgBox "Error Code: " & xmlParseError.errorCode & vbNewLine &
Set xmlParseError = Nothing
xmlDocument.Save "C:\Userdata\book.xml"
Set xmlDocument = Nothing
Set xmlDocument = New MSXML2.DOMDocument50
xmlDocument.Load ("C:\Userdata\book.xml")
Set xmlParseError = xmlDocument.validate ' <== Validates
MsgBox "Error Code: " & xmlParseError.errorCode & vbNewLine &
Set xmlParseError = Nothing
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
<xsd:element name="Collection">
<xsd:element name="Book">
<xsd:element name="Title" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="Author" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="Publisher" type="xsd:string"/>
I am creating an XML document in MSXML5 and attempting to validate it after
I've completed it. Validating the document fails with an error code of
-1072897500 and the message "The node is neither valid nor invalid because no
DTD/Schema declaration was found." Oddly, if I save the XML document and
read it back in again, it validates. Some sample code that produces this
behavior is below, along with the xsd file. Can someone help resolve this
' Initialize the XML instance document and the schema cache. Add the
schema to the
' cache and assign it to the instance document.
Dim xmlDocument As MSXML2.DOMDocument50
Set xmlDocument = New MSXML2.DOMDocument50
xmlDocument.async = False
xmlDocument.validateOnParse = True
xmlDocument.resolveExternals = True
xmlDocument.preserveWhiteSpace = True
Dim xmlSchemaCache As MSXML2.XMLSchemaCache50
Set xmlSchemaCache = New MSXML2.XMLSchemaCache50
xmlSchemaCache.Add "", "C:\Userdata\book.xsd"
Set xmlDocument.Schemas = xmlSchemaCache
' Add the processing instruction.
Dim xmlProc As IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction
Set xmlProc = xmlDocument.createProcessingInstruction("xml",
"version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'")
xmlDocument.appendChild xmlProc
Set xmlProc = Nothing
' Create the collection root element with the namespace and schema
attributes, and add it to the document.
Dim elmCollection As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
Set elmCollection = xmlDocument.createNode(NODE_ELEMENT, "b:Collection",
Dim atrNSNode As IXMLDOMAttribute
Set atrNSNode = xmlDocument.createNode(NODE_ATTRIBUTE, "xmlns:xsi",
atrNSNode.Value = ""
elmCollection.setAttributeNode atrNSNode
Set atrNSNode = xmlDocument.createNode(NODE_ATTRIBUTE,
"xsi:schemaLocation", "")
atrNSNode.Value = " C:\Userdata\book.xsd"
elmCollection.setAttributeNode atrNSNode
Set atrNSNode = Nothing
xmlDocument.appendChild elmCollection
' Create the Book element and its children, and add it to the document.
Dim elmBook As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
Set elmBook = xmlDocument.createElement("b:Book")
elmCollection.appendChild elmBook
Dim elmTitle As IXMLDOMElement
Dim elmAuthor As IXMLDOMElement
Dim elmPublisher As IXMLDOMElement
Set elmTitle = xmlDocument.createElement("b:Title")
Set elmAuthor = xmlDocument.createElement("b:Author")
Set elmPublisher = xmlDocument.createElement("b:Publisher")
elmTitle.Text = "Lover Birds"
elmAuthor.Text = "Cynthia Randall"
elmPublisher.Text = "Lucerne Publishing"
elmBook.appendChild elmTitle
elmBook.appendChild elmAuthor
elmBook.appendChild elmPublisher
Set elmTitle = Nothing
Set elmAuthor = Nothing
Set elmPublisher = Nothing
Set elmBook = Nothing
' Validate the document, write it to a file, then read it back in and
validate again.
Dim xmlParseError As MSXML2.IXMLDOMParseError
Set xmlParseError = xmlDocument.validate ' <== Does not
MsgBox "Error Code: " & xmlParseError.errorCode & vbNewLine &
Set xmlParseError = Nothing
xmlDocument.Save "C:\Userdata\book.xml"
Set xmlDocument = Nothing
Set xmlDocument = New MSXML2.DOMDocument50
xmlDocument.Load ("C:\Userdata\book.xml")
Set xmlParseError = xmlDocument.validate ' <== Validates
MsgBox "Error Code: " & xmlParseError.errorCode & vbNewLine &
Set xmlParseError = Nothing
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
<xsd:element name="Collection">
<xsd:element name="Book">
<xsd:element name="Title" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="Author" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="Publisher" type="xsd:string"/>